About First Woman Voter

For more information, email us at stories@firstwomanvoter.com

The First Woman Voter initiative is a simple, bipartisan, grassroots effort to help celebrate the centennial of women’s suffrage. It isn’t intended to conflict with or replace any scheduled suffrage celebration, rather it helps fill the void for events that were scaled back because of COVID-19.

Over the past 100 years, countless millions of women have worked tirelessly to help build a stronger American democracy. They come from every state, community, neighborhood and family. First Woman Voter honors these largely unknown patriots by asking everyone to pause for a moment to reflect on the heroic women in their own families.

One of the exciting elements of this idea is how different each story can be. The First Woman Voter could be a great-grandmother who voted in 1920. She could be a mother or grandmother who gained the franchise following the 1965 Voting Rights Act, or an immigrant mother who voted for the first time in a recent election. Or it could simply be that special woman who demonstrated a devotion to community, country and equality.

We would love for you to create your own video, using a photo of your First Woman Voter and, if possible, a memento connecting you to her. Please post it on your social media with the hashtag #FirstWomanVoter and challenge your friends to do the same.